Wednesday, July 18, 2012


It’s Good To Know:

Witch hazel is an astringent produced from the leaves and bark of the North American Witch-hazel shrub (Hamamelis virginiana), which grows naturally from Nova Scotia west to Ontario, Canada, and south to Florida and Texas in the United States. This plant extract was widely used for medicinal purposes by American Indians and is a component of a variety of commercial healthcare products.
Witch hazel is mainly used externally on sores, bruises, and swelling.
The main constituents of the extract include tannin, gallic acid,catechins, proanthocyanins, flavonoids (kaempferol, quercetin), essential oils (carvacrol, eugenol, hexenol), choline, and saponins. Distilled witch hazel sold in drug stores and pharmacies typically contains no tannin. Witch hazel hydrosol is used in skin care. It is a strong anti-oxidant and astringent, which makes it very useful in fighting acne. It is often used as a natural remedy for psoriasis,eczema, aftershave applications, ingrown nails, to prevent sweating of the face, cracked or blistered skin, for treating insect bites,poison ivy, and as a treatment for varicose veins and hemorrhoids.  It is found in numerous over-the-counter hemorrhoid preparations.  It is recommended to women to reduce swelling and soothe wounds resulting from childbirth.

The essential oil of witch hazel is not sold separately as a consumer product. The plant does not produce enough essential oil to make production viable. However, there are various distillates of witch hazel (called hydrosols or hydrolats) that are gentler than the "drug store" witch hazel.

Olive Oil – (see my older post for the benefits and uses of olive oils)

How to make home made natural make up remover:

Mix the witch hazel and the olive oil in a small bottle (equal amount). Shake it. Use a cotton ball and apply it to your face. J

It’s a natural way to clean up your face from make up. You can use a mild cleanser after that but be sure it’s a super mild one, try using GARNIER or NEUTROGENA. Don’t switch on beauty products too fast, try using one product for 2 weeks before you switch to others. It will help your skin adjust to the chemical changes of the different products.

I’m using Dickinson Witch Hazel, You can buy it from Healthy Options or other health/wellness stores. The 237 ml bottle is worth Php 210-250. My organic olive oil is from Healthy Options also though any olive oil will do.

After using it, you can see the changes, it will leave your skin super smooth and perfectly toned ;>

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